First Name: Joe
Last Name: Laratro
Company Name: MarineSEO
Type: Affiliate Member - Active
Licensed Broker: No

Joe Laratro is the founder and president of Tandem Interactive, a company started in April 2006 to focus on the under-serviced areas of Online Marketing. For his seafaring friends, he established Marine SEO - a digital marketing company focused on the needs of those in nautical industries. He joined the Search Engine Optimization world in 1999, though he has deep internet roots from running his own BBS in the late 80s. Always trying to help others learn, Joe keeps busy as the Lead Moderator at Pubcon and co-president of the South Florida Interactive Marketing Association (SFIMA). When not delving into the depths of the digital marketing world, as he is an avid fisherman, Joe can be found somewhere between Hallandale Beach and Bimini with his Sons on their Seahunter.