First Name: Robert
Last Name: DeVore
Company Name: Coastal Yacht Sales
Type: Professional Member - Active
Licensed Broker: Yes

Robby DeVore started his career in the Marine Industry early in his adult life at a High Volume Production Boat Manufacturing Facility in Northeast Florida in 2010. After 3 years in the Manufacturing sector, He committed to moving south in 2013 in order to capitalize on the massive opportunities in the South Florida Marine Industry. After working his way up through the ranks of the Retail Boat Dealership business, He found himself with an opportunity to move into High-End Luxury boat and yacht sales within the boating industry. Since then, Robby has practiced the highest of client relationship processes, and thoroughly enjoys the entire consultation and brokerage process. Elite Customer Service being his number 1 goal, He always conducts himself in a professional and honest manner, and looks forward to a lifelong career in the industry that he loves.